These special coins are minted by the military mints. They are specially designed, and they make sure that the dates, and the war or event that occurred are printed on the custom coins. The coins are special, and they are presented with a special way too. The sizes of the coins are larger and different than money coins. They are bigger in size than the money coins which are presented to the fighters in sizes as large as 4”. The coins are not alone when given to martyrs and survivors of war. They are accompanied with cash prizes. When these ceremonies are arranged, a large number of people are awarded the coins. They include the teachers, staff, doctors, nurses, etc., and all other people serving the military and the country some way or the other.

There are some custom made coins that are converted into dog tags. These are given to the special dogs that are a part of the military. The minting of the coins is done in a special way which needs to be kept in mind all the while. The designs and the words to be inscribed on them are given out by the high officials, and it is made sure that the feelings of all those families are kept in view when the special words are chosen to be minted on the coins.

The minting of these coins is done in four basic steps:

a)       Design of the coin is approved on paper first to be sure what is needed to be printed on the metal.

b)       After a minute checking of the design, it is copied on metal to produce coins.

c)       The metal is cut out in the shape of a coin cutter which then produces different coins.

d)       If any kind of colors is required on the coins, are painted at the end.

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